Application for filming and artistic projects
Filming and artistic projects
Museo Nacional del Prado Difusión is in charge of managing filmings at Museo Nacional del Prado. Its specialized staff will help you and guide you through every step of the process: location, documentation, administrative procedures, planning the filming/photo shoot and the organization on the date chosen for the filming/photo shoot.
If you are planning to film at Museo Nacional del Prado, please complete and sign the form at the bottom of the page.
If you are unable to schedule a shoot at the Museum in time, we offer you the option of including in your project any work of art belonging to the Museo Nacional del Prado, as well as images of both the exterior and the interior of the Museum, or from the archive of conservation material of the works, reflectographies, etc.
The Photographic Archive of Museo Nacional del Prado is regularly updated and has a large number of high resolution digital files.
If you would like to request permission to reproduce existing Museum photographic material in your audiovisual project, please submit the application form.
Projects accepted in the different branches of Museo Nacional del Prado
These are the different projects that can be carried out in the different rooms of the Museo Nacional del Prado:
- Educational and exhibition filming.
- Filming of cultural projects: short films/documentaries.
- Filming of documentaries / tv programs.
- Fiction shooting: TV series /platforms/ feature films.
- Shootings/photo shoots of artistic projects.
Locations available for filming:
- Inside the Museum
- Outside of the Museum
- Casón del Buen Retiro (outside library hours)
- Special spaces: catering workshops, work areas, etc. *
* shooting approval depends on availability.
Steps to request permission:
- The client shall send the necessary documentation explaining the nature of the project and the needs of the shooting.
- Assessment of the project by the different departments of the Museum: Management, Conservation and Security.
- Acceptance of the project by the Museum.
- Acceptance of the rules for filming at the Museum by the legal representative of the production company.
- Budget and payment of the invoice for production costs and rights fees prior to the shooting date.
- Signing of the agreement/contract and of the Conservation and Security Rules for recordings/photographic sessions at the Museum.
- Dates and spaces with security are always subject to the Museum's agenda.
- Shooting/photo session.
- The client shall send a documentary proof of the shooting for archival purposes and documentation of the Museum (making off, release date,...).
Useful information:
General deadlines :
Please note that each project requires the approval of different departments of the Museum, that can last up to 15 working days. Therefore, we advise you to send all requested documentation at least two months before the scheduled date of the shoot/photo shoot.
Budget and administrative management: 7 working days before the date of the shooting/photoshoot.
In order to decide whether we can facilitate your project, we would need you to answer as detailed as possible all the questions related to the content of your project: production design, shooting needs, and human and technical equipment. (You will find these questions in the electronic form linked at the bottom of this page).
There are certain restrictions for filming at the Museo Nacional del Prado, so please note the following when filling the form:
- Photographic recordings/sessions must always be adapted to the Museum's agenda.
- Photographic recordings/sessions must be taken outside public opening hours (before the Museum opens until 9:30 a.m. or after the Museum closes at 8:30 p.m.).
- In the case of filming with the public, the Production Company/photographer will be responsible for managing the authorizations granted by each person to be filmed/photographed and to send an authentic copy or the original of the same to Museo Nacional del Prado Diffusion at the following e-mail address:
- The arrangement of the works in each room must be confirmed in advance of the proposed shooting/photographic session date in order to ensure that the artwork to be filmed/photographed is in its usual location.
- For the filming/photographing of works on loan from the Museum, the Producer/Photographer will be responsible for requesting the appropriate authorization from the owners. He/she/them shall send an authentic copy or the original to:
Deadlines may change in the case of extension of the request for additional rooms/artwork to be recorded/photographed. This will entail a new study of the additional part and the extension of the budget.
Sending the filled form and accepting the conditions does not imply that the proposal will be approved. Museo Nacional del Prado Image Bank reserves the right to authorize or deny permission for each project.
Preventive measures
All members of the production filming team and the staff helping the artist/photographer who will access to the Museum must comply with the prevention measures provided by the head of Museo Nacional del Prado's Risk Prevention Department (covid-19 or other measures). They must be complied by everybody during their time in Museo Nacional del Prado's interior premises.
Thank you for filming at Museo Nacional del Prado.
Request for audiovisual projects: filming /photographic sessions at Museo Nacional del Prado